I’m used to the British ‘summer’ but this is a joke. 

I do like a good moan about things. All the standard stuff- other people’s driving, useless politicians, nextdoor’s yapping rodent-like dog that looks not unlike its female owner, the traffic, the alarming rise in the price of a packet of fish-fingers since Brexit etc etc etc. 

But I am usually distinctly different from pretty much everyone I know in that I don’t moan about the weather. Everyone moans about it which is strange because (in the North of England at least) it is always crap. And when the sun does eventually appear for its two days a year we aren’t used to it so we moan that we’re too hot. All in all it’s a bit like moaning that grass is green . 

However even I am a bit fed up with the past week’s incessant gloominess. It doesn’t stop me from running at all.  In fact I quite like running in the rain. But it’s just so dark out there. It’s post-apocalyptic dark and I am almost considering  running in the middle of the day with a headlamp as the quality of the light is that awful. This is the time of the year when I should be getting some light on my skin and fortifying my mood-recharging ready for the true gloom of winter. I’ve had to have the lights on in the house all day for the last three days just to be able to read. Eating extra carrots hasn’t been enough. 

Anyhow.  I’m off out for my run. If I’m not back within the hour then send out a search party…with torches.

The picture is from my kitchen window.

7 thoughts on “I’m used to the British ‘summer’ but this is a joke. 

  1. Nice buddleia, though I doubt you’ll be getting many butterflies around it if the weather is THAT bad. I don’t want to add to your woes, but I’ve just come inside because the sun is too bright. It’s meant to be 23 degrees here today, (30 degrees down the valley in Sion) but it feels much warmer. Though at least you have the advantage of being able to go out for a run. So your clouds do have a silver lining ! 🙂 I’m resting now until my Thyon-Dixence ‘race’ (aka a training run) on Sunday.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. hasn’t it just be dire this year? Came you imagine me? from Cape Town… having to deal with the lack of sun and warm is KILLING me! the only time i saw summer here was in 2003 when we arrived… it was BLISS… he lived in Farnborough… then a year later we moved North, Chesterfield… OMG and that was it… no more summer… and winter? dont even get me started *lololol*!!!!!
    So I’m with you… b****cks to this weather!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Totes agree about the dark clouds. At least the rain is intermittent, and strangely warm! I want out in one of the ‘gaps’ and got caught😊😊

    Liked by 2 people

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